Is there going to be a senran kagura season 2
Is there going to be a senran kagura season 2

  1. #Is there going to be a senran kagura season 2 professional#
  2. #Is there going to be a senran kagura season 2 series#

Unlike Senran Kagura: Burst, Deep Crimson moves away from its arcade brawler roots with faster fights where the characters can move around more freely. Senran Kagura 2 is totally weird and creepy, but not entirely in the way I was expecting. It’s safe to say that anyone who approaches this game because of their fetish for breasts might think differently after a look at the final few bosses. I was ready to dismiss the game for its focus on fanservice, but then I encountered a boss fight that involved an evil goddess descending from the heavens only to have her breasts pop out and turn into Madballs. Spiders, centipedes, ogres and all kinds of hellbeasts are depicted with giant bouncing breasts and it’s all so absurd that I can’t hate it. The philosophy of “just add a pair of breasts to everything” is taken to hilarious extremes. Yep, Senran Kagura just can’t quit with the tits, and the series’ obsession with breasts pervades every aspect of Deep Crimson’s design. It’s impossible to take seriously with the character designs, especially when all of the drama is balanced with an equal helping of anime slice of life shenanigans and boob-grabbing nonsense. For a game marketed with cutesy anime girls the plot goes to some strangely dark places everyone has some kind of tragic backstory and the business of slaying demons is as bloody as you’d expect. There’s some serious tonal dissonance in Senran Kagura 2, but it mostly works out in the game’s favour. Considering how seedy the game is with its pervy transformations and clothing damage, it’s nice that the writing makes some effort to portray the characters as more than just sex objects. Unlike the collection of worn-out anime tropes and bizarre fetishes I encountered in Shinovi Versus, the cast of Deep Crimson have distinct character arcs, differing ideals and are driven by their relationships with each other. Other gags fell a bit flat for me (you can only make so many sexual harassment jokes), but the characterisation of each of the girls is surprisingly deep. Yeah, Mirai might not have sworn like a sailor in the original release, but for a character who so earnestly wants to be treated like an adult her constant f-bombs fit perfectly. Though all of the voicework is still in Japanese, the localisation is solid with plenty of funny lines that take some liberties with the translation. The story is told through a mix of visual novel style walls of text, chats between characters and cinematic 3D cutscenes. Eventually both teams have to join forces in order to fight some unsurprising corruption in the evil ninja academy and an army of demons raising hell in Kyoto, a plot point that plays into the sequel’s new focus on co-operative combat. As always tends to be the case, the villains are a more interesting bunch than the heroes, so thankfully Deep Crimson mixes the stories of the Hebijo girls into the main narrative and makes them all playable. Like the first game, Senran Kagura 2 follows a clash between rival clans of good and evil ninjas – in this case the impossibly busty schoolgirls of the Hanzo and Hebijo academies. Though the gravity-defying blobs the game calls breasts might still be Senran Kagura’s primary selling point, there is thankfully a bit more to it this time around. I still have my misgivings about the game’s aesthetic, but the fast-paced combat and bizarre tone definitely filled a niche on the console’s library.

#Is there going to be a senran kagura season 2 series#

My only experience with the series prior to this was the Playstation Vita spin-off, Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus, a game I didn’t care for at all, which made it even more surprising when I ended up enjoying Deep Crimson quite a bit. That said, there is more to Deep Crimson than finally making good on the producer’s promise of viewing breasts in stereoscopic 3D and there are some welcome refinements to the brawler gameplay.

#Is there going to be a senran kagura season 2 professional#

Though it wouldn’t be particularly professional to do so as a reviewer, Senran Kagura 2 is absolutely the kind of game where it is reasonable to dismiss it based on the premise alone. It’s still all about teenage anime girls fighting it out in the perviest way possible and it’s bound to be a style that will alienate most of the console’s audience. Let’s just get this out of the way first: Senran Kagura has always sold itself on the breasts of its female protagonists rather than the actual gameplay and on the surface this sequel is no different. Release date: August 27th, 2015 (EU) – September 15th, 2015 (NA)

Is there going to be a senran kagura season 2